Moisture Repellent
Gt7 Repels Moisture Super-Fast Due To Its Extremely Low Surface
Tension And Strong Penetrating Properties..
Gt7 Fights Rust Very Quickly By Breaking Up The Rust Crystals And
Through Its Cold-Shrinking Effect.
Penetrating Oil
Gt7 Has A Strong Penetrating Ability, So That It Can Penetrate Into
Even Microscopically Small Openings. Gt7 Penetrates Under The Old
Grease Layer, Where It Goes To Work. Gt7 Has Unblocking Properties.
Gt7 Stops Creaks And Squeaks In A Jiffy. Gt7 Is An Ideal Lubricant For
Fine Mechanical And Electrical Components.
Contact Spray
Gt7 Detaches Oxidation And, Thanks To Its Strong Penetrating Ability,
Is The Ideal Contact Spray On Electrical Installations, Home Appliances,
Battery Clips, Distribution Boxes, Etc.
Gt7 Cleans Pneumatic Tools, Cylinder Locks, Deposits Of Tar, Grease,
Brake Fluid, Etc.
Protective Agent
Gt7 Fills In All Small Irregularities And Pores And Creates A Longlasting,
Transparent And Moisture-Repelling Layer.
Moisture Repellent
Gt7 Repels Moisture Super-Fast Due To Its Extremely Low Surface
Tension And Strong Penetrating Properties..
Gt7 Fights Rust Very Quickly By Breaking Up The Rust Crystals And
Through Its Cold-Shrinking Effect.
Penetrating Oil
Gt7 Has A Strong Penetrating Ability, So That It Can Penetrate Into
Even Microscopically Small Openings. Gt7 Penetrates Under The Old
Grease Layer, Where It Goes To Work. Gt7 Has Unblocking Properties.
Gt7 Stops Creaks And Squeaks In A Jiffy. Gt7 Is An Ideal Lubricant For
Fine Mechanical And Electrical Components.
Contact Spray
Gt7 Detaches Oxidation And, Thanks To Its Strong Penetrating Ability,
Is The Ideal Contact Spray On Electrical Installations, Home Appliances,
Battery Clips, Distribution Boxes, Etc.
Gt7 Cleans Pneumatic Tools, Cylinder Locks, Deposits Of Tar, Grease,
Brake Fluid, Etc.
Protective Agent
Gt7 Fills In All Small Irregularities And Pores And Creates A Longlasting,
Transparent And Moisture-Repelling Layer.
To make things simpler, we have placed an icon on the right hand corner of each products to indicate it's available delivery Zone.
Available zones
All zone area >
This icon with all zone area in green, indicates this products can be shipped to all Zone.
Zone 1 and 2 only >
Zone 1 & 2 in green and zone 3 greyed out, indicates this product can only be shipped to Zone 1 and 2
Zone 1 only >
Zone 1 in green zone 2 and zone 3 are greyed out, indicates this product can only be shipped to Zone 1 only.
Customer Delivery Advice:
Please allow 3 – 5 working days for delivery**. We will notify you by email once your order has been dispatched. (No delivery on weekends or Bank holidays).
Small -Medium items generally 1-2 working days, large/pallet/bulky up to 5 working days
If you require any further information on your order you can contact
At TJ O'Mahony we will exchange or refund any Retail unused product returned to us in its original condition within 30 days of receiving it (*)You can return any unused product to us in its original condition for a full refund or exchange within 30 days of delivery.
This right to return does not apply to products that are non stock and only available to order such as catalogued doors, catalogued bathroomware and mixed paints which are made especially for your order.